Some people let their pet dog or cat climbed into bed, and even sleep together.Although clean, the existence of the beast in bed still leaves some problems.
According to a survey in the United States, nearly half of dog owners in the country are sharing a bed with a pet. Whereas in cats, 62 percent of adults sleeping with an employer and 13 percent of the employers of children.
Quoted from WebMD on Thursday (02/06/2010), the most common problem when people sleep with a pet is asthma and allergies. According to an allergy specialist from Louisville, Derek Damin, asthmatics should not take the animal to sleep in the same bed.
"Use a HEPA filter and do not let dogs into the bedroom," advises Damin.
But the animal lover would be hard to accept this recommendation. Especially for the group, Damin suggested mengoksumsi allergy medications if they have to sleep with a pet.
Sleep Disorders
The next problem is a sleep disorder. Research conducted by a sleep disorder center Mayo Clinic study reveals, 53 percent of dog and cat owners have trouble sleeping if the pet was in bed.
Recruited Northshore Sleep Medicine, Lisa Shives agreed if the presence of dogs in the bed will be a problem for people with sleep disorders. In these conditions, he does not recommend the employer's dog in the room.
"But if not problematic sleep patterns, one should not take the dog to sleep in the same bed," said Shives, who also admitted to sleeping with a dog weighing 45 pounds in his room.
For some people, dogs actually make sleep more soundly. Candace Hunziker for example, dog owners from Kennesaw, admits more secure and protected when there is a dog in his bed.
"Besides my dog with a very rhythmic breathing, and I was greatly helped by it," Hunziker said.
As uncomfortable Sex
The most complex problems will arise if the animal owner is married. When there is a dog in bed, how the owner had sex with their partner?
Elizabeth Smith, author of Golden Anniversaries: The Seven Secrets of Successful Marriage says it depends on the owner. In fact, some couples are not having problems with it.
"But most have the dog out, so as not to see them having sex," said Smith.
But of course it is not easy to expel a pet, if it had previously been accustomed to the bedroom. However animals can hurt if you feel unjustly treated.
Dog trainer with a worldwide reputation, Victoria Stilwell said it should be done patiently. By training the dog slowly and occasionally give him praise, positive results could be obtained within two weeks.
Meanwhile, a pet consultant in Marietta, Ingrid Johnson suggested to firmly socialized early on. Animals, especially cats only recognize the principle that the door will be open forever, or permanently closed.
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